Sunday, November 18, 2012

Christmas Art with Kids....

Festive season is on its way... prepping, shopping, decorating.... long list... It could be one busy time of the year.  So if kids are out of school, or you have toddlers at home... there is nothing like some holiday crafts. There are tonnes of websites or blogs you will find with wonderful ideas. 

I have some friends over staying with us for Thanksgiving... nothing like company in holiday season...they have 2 toddlers- 3-1/2 yr old girl and 1-1/2 yr old boy...Little girl is absolute crafting fan... loves stickers or painting and the likes... so after some thanksgiving coloring sheets, making sticker art, and sponge printing letters..... she remembered she needed some Christmas cards as it was almost time for Xmas. So we started our work... Took some base cards, stuck some stickers, stamped Merry Christmas greeting... and voila we had some cards.

Unfortunately I did not have enough stickers to have more cards... so we are going to make a quick run to the store and get some more so she can make more cards. But for now she is happy with her cards. She learned to write the letter T for her name... so she signed the cards in her handwriting and with some help also the receivers name inside the card and on the envelope. 

A simple but fun idea for kids to do.....makes them feel special that they made cards for friends and family and no doubt the receivers will feel equally special =) 

An idea to do with your kids or get them supplies to do it on their own if they are old enough =)

Until next time,

Happy Krafting

Cheers =)


  1. Pretty cool creations. I love these.


  2. Enjoying creative art with toddlers is the best enjoyment besides playing with them. Loved these ideas.
